The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

a Pair Pleads Guilty In C'ville Burglary Two young men charged with theft in connection with three break-ins at Crothersville late Tuesday night were arraigned in Jackson Circuit Court Thursday and pleaded guilty. They were identified as Gary. Lee Eisenhower, 25, Crothersville, and Herbert S. Michaels, 23, Zionsville. Whitcomb Continued from Page One Sens.

Birch Bayh and. Vance Hartke and the Secretary of the Army. He called the court-martial verdict "unbelievable" and said "many presidents and higher ranking generals have been just as guilty." He, too, ordered flags lowered to halfstaff. Bloomington Mayor John H. Hooker Jr.

said he would order flags lowered there today. In- Indianapolis, Democratic State Chairman Gordon St. Angelo called the verdict "regretable and deplorable." Republican' State Chairman John K. Snyder said he "strongAy. disapproves of the conviction and sentencing.

I don't think the conviction- was -warranted or wise. The Calley decision sets a precedent which could. change our entire military structure. No one can justify the sentencing of our fighting men for waging war under orders." Contributions for Calley's further defense poured into lection booths in downtown Indianapolis. Hundreds of persons signed petitions telling 1 Defense Secretary Melvin Laird they thought Calley's conviction was wrong.

Residents of Lawrence drew up petition forms which they planned to distribute at Ft. Benjamin Harrison, Ford Motor Company and Detroit DieselAllison Division of General Motors Corporation. The Indiana Department of the American Legion said it will act as a clearinghouse for persons wishing to contribute to Calley's defense fund. A rally, to raise further support for Calley was scheduled April 10 in downtown Indianapolis by the Vietnam Veterans Defense Fund. Newsy Paragraph An emergency run was made by the fire department life squad unit at 1:24 p.

m. Thursday to 812 Hustedt street, where Lilly Stewart, 42, reportedly was unconscious. She was given oxygen and taken to Schneck Memorial Hospital. Firemen from Company No. 2 responded on a call to 1251 Robin Hood Drive at 3:35 p.

m. at 'the Louis Duncan residence. A heating element in the stove was arcing, apparently from a short. There was no fire and firemen broke the power source. Leonard J.

Lewis, 28, Seymour, was cited at p. m. Thursday in the 600 block of West Tipton street on a charge of speeding. He will appear later in city court. Marriage licenses issued recently from the office of the clerk of Scott Circuit Court, Scottsburg, include one to David Austin R2, and Beverly Ann Barnes, 20, 523 East Second street, Seymour.

Dr. John Vernon White of Caro, took over duties Thursday as superintendent of Muscatatuck State Hospital and Training Center at Butlerville. A native of Oklahoma, Dr. White was superintendent of a Michigan hospital just prior to coming to Muscatatuck. Robert Bunch, chief of police of Scottsburg, has asked all residents that city to be careful of the type of material they place i in their trash.

Clarence Ray, a Scottsburg city employe, suffered injury to one eye and burns on his face, hands and upper body Monday when a plastic bottle of muriatic acid burst and splashed on him as he was loading trash on a city truck. The bottle broke as the load was being compacted while in the residential section. He was treated at Scott County Hospital and then taken to General Hospital, whether Louisville. damage to the eye will It is not yet known be permanent. Mr.

and Mrs. Floyd Jenkins, of Columbus R8, 1 are parents of a daughter born Wednesday at Bartholomew County Hospital, Columbus. Released from Bartholomew County Hospital, Columbus, were Mrs. Clarence. Calvin, of Seymour; Mrs.

Dorse Smith, of Columbus R8; Mrs. Anthony Jones and daughter, Mrs. Raymond Banks and son and William Strong, all of North Vernon. a APRIL 2. 1971 HEIWIG'S SINGER SEWING MACHINES 204 S.


Has Share theFun Contest Sauers Merrymakers and Helping Hand 4 clubs were winners in the Washington Town(ship 4-H Share-the-Fun contest Thursday night at the Dudleytown Parish Hall. Bob Kellermeier, chairman, presided at the Farm Bureau meeting which preceded the contest. The Sauers group won first place in the curtain act division The and third in the group Helping Hand club won first i in the group act and second in the curtain act. The Red Birds club won third in the curtain act and second in the group act. Judges for the contest were Mr.

and Mrs. William Krumme and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Otte. The meeting opened with the singing of "Old Rugged Cross," with DeAnn Wischmeier at the piano followed by devotions by Paula Wischmeier.

Kathy Hillebrand and Carla Pottschmidt gave a safety lesson on pesticides and Mary Wehmiller reported on a survey of the group she had taken a Sociology Mrs. Krumme discussed plans for the Sew and Show contest to be held at the annual meeting in September and Mrs. Lawrence Otte announced several upcoming Pet and Hobby club activities. The Pet and club collected for the cancer fund. Herman Hackman and Jim Black, of the Jackson County Farm Bureau Co-Op, showed slides and discussed farm records and planning and management.

Following the meeting refreshments of cookies, coffee and punch were served by Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Wehmiller and Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Fenneberg.

PUBLIC AUCTION The personal property of the late Stanley Lahrman will be sold at the residence of the late Stanley Lahrman, located three miles west of Brownstown on S.R. 135, turn right after passing former Jackson County Sales Barn, at auction signs and go west, on SATURDAY, APRIL 3 Beginning Promptly at 1:00 P.M. Two-piece living room suite. Coffee. and odd tables.

Lamps. Occasional chair. Desk. Console radio. Sewing machine.

Two-piece bedroom suite, complete. Half bed, complete. Iron bed, complete. Electric range. Maple dining table with chairs.

Electric ironer. Mirror. Pictures. Formica-top dinette with six chairs. Set of Worlds Popular Encyclopedias.

Linens. Throw rugs. Dishes. Cooking utensils. Hand and -garden tools.

Many other miscellaneous articles too numerous to mention. Antiques Spool poster cherry bedroom suite, complete. Drop leaf table with white casters; Aladdin lamp. Dining table. Chairs.

China closet. Cane bottom chairs. Stand table. Library table. Rocker.

Washstand. Clock. Dresser. TIN DOOR SAFES. Trunks.

Wood safe. Barrels. Lanterns. Separator. Incubator.

Pump. Sausage Mill. Apple peeler. Churn. Irons.

Jugs. Fruit jars. Books. Copper Boiler. Two large iron butchering kettles.

Jars. Riding plow. Roller. other miscellaneous Crocks. Dishes.

Vases. Horse ciding, cultivators. articles. TERMS: Cash Not Responsible for Accidents Auctioneer: OSCAR "PIP" ALLMAN Clerk: 252 Vehslage Road George Armstrong Seymour, Indiana -Phone 522-2003 20 Years of Auctioneering Experience" PUBLIC Having purchased the "Gus Hastedt" real estate and personal property on the premises, we will sell the following at public auction located along Highway 50, miles east of Highway 31, or mile west of Jennings County Line Road on: 1:00 P.M SATURDAY, APRIL 3 1:00 P.M. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS Apartment size elec.

range, G.E. refrigerator, dining table chairs, portable TV (12" console TV, sofa, upholstered chairs, oak stand table, floor lamps, table lamp, double bed complete, cots, dresser, old treadle sewing machine, old G.E. short wave band radio, other radios, floor fan, card table, gas heater, double gas burner, TV snack trays, elec. items like toaster, coffee perk, can opener, dishes, pots pans, silverware, several pieces of carpeting, padding, rugs, drapes rods, bedding, linens, TV antenna, galv. pipe, pipe clamp, pieces of elec.

wiring, odd lot of storm windows, hand sprayer, post hole digger, burlap sacks, ladder, books, jars, and several boxes of misc. hardware, junk small useful items too numerous to mention. MODERN HOUSE TO BE SOLD" Will be offered as a unit with stripping rights. This is a fairly new house, app. 30x30 with a lot of good building materials.

Has elec. wall heaters, elec. water system including pump, tank, heater, kitchen cabinets, bathroom fixtures, alum. storm window units, good wood doors window units, ceiling tile, paneled throughout. Come bid on what you want or need.

House or materials purchased must be removed within 30 days. Inspection after 5. p. m. Friday or anytime Saturday before auction.

MR. MRS. LESTER TRACY, Owners Terms: Cash Not Responsible for Accidents "Tracy's Auction Service" Seymour, Ind. R. 1, 522-3284 Auctioneers: Luis Tracy Tom Lawson Clerk: Vicky Tracy CONSIGNMENT Personal property of Charlotte Heideman, deceased, consisting of 40" gas range, Coldspot refrigerator, antique chest of drawers, apartment size washer, roll bed, stand table, step stool, misc.

dishes, pots pans, silverware, ironing board odds ends. SEYMOUR, INDIANA Mrs. Downing Expires, Rites Set Monday Mrs. Flora Downing, 88, 324 West Jackson street, died at 5:15 a. m.

today at the Lutheran Community Home after being in failing health for several months. A native of Jackson County, Mrs. Downing was born on October 23, 1882, to the late James and Susan Tovey Kent. In 1902 in Jackson County. she marfried Andrew Downing, who preceded her in death.

Mrs. Downing was member of the Trinity. United Methodist Church and was a member of the WSCS of the church. Survivors include one daughter, Edna Downing, of Seymour; two sisters, Mrs. Mae Weir, 'of Phoenix, and Mrs.

Nona Reinbold, of Corona, two grandchildren and three great grandchildren. Three children preceded her in death. Funeral services will be conducted at 1:30 p. m. Monday from the Voss Chapel.

Burial in the Riverview Cemetery. Friends may call at the Voss Mortuary after 11 a. m. Sunday. SHS Adult Continued from Page Une The $2 fee for the course Includes a textbook and towels, with the participants furnishing their own bathing suits.

of The classes will last 5-7 p.m. each Tuesday and Thursday from April 13 until May 6. Upon satisfactory completion of the course, students will be presented with Red Cross Lifesaving Certificates. The enrollment is limited, and persons interested should call the Seymour High School office between 8 a. m.

and 4 p. m. Officials Continued from Page One Lockett, Mary Gregory and the Seymour District Clerk, Eileen Schneck, will attend. Jackson County highway officials planning to attend the Purdue Road School include the three county commissioners, Earl A. Goecker, Clarence Pottschmidt and Herschel L.

Rotert; Edward Krumme, county highway superintendent; and Mrs. Helen Goben, county highway courthouse clerk. Houston Attendance at the Houston church was 78. We were glad to have the Emil Winkler family from Peru, Ind. with us for Sunday School and worship services Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Leston Fleetwood visited Mr. and Mrs. Gene Davis at Norman, Saturday night.

Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mitchell visited Mr. and Mrs. Earl Mitchell in Seymour, Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Joseph F. Lutes and Miss Goldie Lutes attended the funeral of little Daniel Lutes at the Gans Funeral home in Madison Tuesday night. Mr.

and Mrs. Tim LaMaster, of Seymour, visited their aunt, Goldie Lutes, Sunday night. Mr. and Mrs. Clarke Deckard, of Bloomington, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Deckard, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Weldon Adams, of Greenwood, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Ray Deckard, Saturday night. Wayne Hill, of Seymour, visited his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Hill, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. William Darkis and daughter Carrie, of Medora, spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Homer Taylor.

Little Carrie spent Saturday night with her grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Stockhover and son, David, of Waymansville, and Mr. and Mrs.

Bill Mitchell and daughter, Cindy, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Clayton Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs.

James Greathouse, of Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Prince and children, of Harrodsburg, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Deckard, of Bedford, visited Mr.

and Mrs. Leston Fleetwood over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Leston Fleetwood visited Mr.

and Mrs. Earl Davis at Norman, Saturday. Miss Christy Kifts and Mrs. Mosier D. Kirts gave a miscellaneous shower for Miss Debbie Akin, Sunday afternoon.

Debbie is to become the bride of Tim Cummings. Mr. and Mrs. Cora Deckard visited Mr. and Mrs.

Vernon Deckard at Bloomington, Sunday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Henderson visited Mr. and Mrs.

Harold Winkler, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Claywell and Mr. and Vernon Hill were at Monroe Reservoir, Sunday afternoon: PAGE SEVEN News From Schneck Hospital, Mrs. Virginia Selfridge, 305 South Carter stree, was admitted for, medical treatment Thursday, 0 Mrs.

Lawrence Hillebrand, 607 South Carter street, was admitted for surgery Thursday. Arvis Imperial House Motel, Indianapolis, was admitted for surgery Thursday. Mrs. Dennis Wilkerson, Hayden, -was admitted for. surgery.

Thursday. -0- Scott, eight, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Kiel, Columbus R8, was admitted for surgery today. 0 Susan, five, daughter of Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Newkirk, Seymour R4, was admitted for surgery today. -0- Mark; 10, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin McNeely; Scottsburg R4, was admitted for surgery today.

Barry, six, son of Mr. and Mrs. Mikeal Zollman, 702 Smith street, Scottsburg, was admitted for surgery: today, John: W. Lubker, -1620. Road, was released Thursday.

Wilma Hall, 117 Sugar street, Brownstown, was released Thursday. Mrs. Frank L. Gosnell, South Vine street, was released Thursday. Her infant son, Frank Lloyd, remained in the nursery.

0- Mrs. John D. Hohnstreiter and infant son, John Adam, Seymour R1, were released Thursday. John C. Benham, Madison R1, was released Thursday.

0- Henry Goecker, Crothersville R1, was released Thursday. Mrs. Richard Fitch, 678 South O'Brien street, was released Thursday. 0- The Rev. Dewey Allman, 601 Euclid avenue, was released Thursday.

0- Janice, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wayt, Columbus R7, was released Thursday. Among area persons fined recently in Columbus township justice of peace court of Lee Trotter were Morris. E.

Jordan, Columbus R8, fined $1 and costs of $22.25 on charges of speeding; John A. Gray, of Seymour, fined $5 and costs of $22.25 on charges of speeding; Mrs. Gladys M. Jones and Peggy L. Ault, both of Medora, fined $10 and 'costs of $20 on charges of theft.

Cummins Gets Army Contract Both had been arrested early Wednesday morning, within a matter of hours after they allegedly had forced their way into a tavern, a feed and grain store and a church. Michael Sargent, Crothersville patrolman, and Robert Whitsett, deputy. sheriff, arrested Eisenhower in the basem*nt of the Crothersville Methodist Church and Michaels was taken into custody at a private home where he was staying. total of 11 cases or had been taken from Pee Wee's Tavern. Seven were stored in another nearby building, four were carried the basem*nt of the church where the men allegedly were having a drinking party until Michaels went home.

Officers recovered 10 full cases and one case of empty bottles. Judge Robert R. Brown ordered a pre-sentence investi-1 gation and set disposition for the two at 1:30 p. m. today.

In one other court appearance Thursday, Albert F. Lawson, 49, Norman, charged with driving while. under, the influence. intoxicating, lignor (DUI), pleaded not guilty Judge- -Brown set bond at $1,000 and instructed him to ob.tain counsel and return to court within seven days. C'ville Police Arrest Six, Two Are Youths Six persons, including two juveniles, were arrested late Thursday by Crothersville police and taken to the Jackson County jail and juvenile detention quarters at Brownstown.

Four others were lodged in the county jail Thursday on other charges. They were identified as Gordon Gambill, 25, Austin; Donald L. Below, Scottsburg; Wayne Neace, 20, Deputy; Preston H. Walker, 18, Austin, and two youths, 16 and 17, also from Austin. Michael Sargent, Crothersville patrolman, charged Gambill with contributing to the delinquency of a minor, when he was arrested at 11:56 p.

m. Walker, Neace and the two youths were charged with being minors in' possession of alcoholic beverages. Below was charged with driving while under the influence of intoxicating liquor (DUI) when he was arrested by Officer Sargent at 5:13 a. m. today.

Other Arrests James R. Malitoat, 19, Spencer, and Michael W. Britton, 22, Bloomington, were returned to Jackson County by Richard Goben, deputy sheriff, and Lyman Goben, conservation officer, on charges of theft. Both had been taken into custody in Monroe County and held for Jackson County authorities. William C.

Henson, 32, Moline, was arrested at 5:20 p. m. by Robert Whitsett, deputy sheriff, on a warrant issued in justice of the peace court of Charles E. Spaugh, Reddington, charging him with resisting arrest and disorderly conduct. William H.

Elkins, 21, Winslow, was arrested by Clayton Davidson, Brownstown patrolman, at 6:55 p. m. on of speeding and disorderly conduct. Insurance Co. To Distribute Dividends The Equitable Life Assurance Society of the U.

S. will distribute approximately $4.3 million in individual life and health insurance and annuity dividends to residents of the state of Indiana in 1971, it was announced today. Nationwide, Equitable will distribute approximately 635,000 in dividends during 1971. This is a record amount involving an increase of more than $5 million over 1970. INDIANAPOLIS LIVESTOCK INDIANAPOLIS (AP USDA) Hogs barrows and gilts steady to mostly 25, instances 50 higher; trading moderately active; 1-2 200-240 lb 17.25-17.75; 1-3 210-260 lb 17.00- 17.50; 1-3 190-210 lb 16.50-17:25; 24 230-280 lb 16.50-17.25; 34.

280-310 lb 16.25-16.75; sOwS steady to 25 higher; 1-3 350- 600 lb 14.50-15.25; 2-3 320-450 lb 14.00-14.75. Cattle none; calves none; supply largely cows selling mostly 50 lower; utility and commercial cows 20.00-21.50; a few high dressing utility 22.50; cutter 19.00-21.00; canner 16.50- 19.00. Sheep none. USE TRIBUNE CLASSIFIEDS FOR QUICK RESULTS Albert Eggersman, Brownstown R2, was released Thursday. -0 Buster Neace, 1048 North First street, Austin, was released Thursday.

James Otte, 719 East Fifth street, was released Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dale Murphin, Medora R1, are parents of a son born today. Congressman Lee H.

Hamilton informed the Tribune today that he has been advised a $1,342,504 contract has been awarded to the Cummins Engine Company, Columbus, by the U. S. Army Tank and Automotive Command. Under the provisions of the contract, Cummins will proF vide the Army with 355 sets of power train packages. Each will consist of an engine and transmission, plus an installation kit.

The work will be done in Columbus WHITE OAK AUCTION SAT. NIGHT, 7:30 Antique 3 corner china cabinet, antique bed, round dining table, like new Ziegler gas heater, 85,000 B.T.U., antique. bookcase, antique fireplace mantel, antique dining table, porch furniture. PUBLIC AUCTION Having quit farming I will sell at my farm located 2 miles east of U.S. 31 on County Road No.

800 in Barthalo mew County Midway between Edinburg and Taylorsville. Wednesday, April 7, 1971 10:30 A.M. MACHINERY 1965 J.D. 4020 Deisel, Clean; 1963 4010 Deisel; 1953 I.H.C. "'M;" 2 I.H.C.

Tractors 1948 and 43: J.D. 5-14 semi mount, plow. J.D. 4-14 plow drag; Dunham 13 ft. wheel disc; 2-case 10 ft.

wheel discs; 1-9 ft. case wheel disc; J.D. 8 ft. wheel disc; 4 row Brady stalk cutter No. 144; 2-Brady No.

141 Manure Spreaders; J.D. No. 694-6 Row Corn Planter; 6 Row J.D. front cultivator I.H.C. 16 hole wheat drill; 12 ft.

Ezee flow; J.D. No. 50, 7 ft. mower; Papec Chopper head very good; J.D. insilage blower and pipe; 3 Gehl insilage wagons front load-2 with 6 ton case gear; one with 8 ton Gehl gear, like new; 6 row 3 wheel case rotary hoe; Box bed wagon gear; McCormick Hammer mill; Champion post hole digger; 2 wheel Auger feed wagon; 2 wheel trailor; case stationery engine; tractor 2 cultipaclers; 2-14" J.D.

plow, mounted buzz saw; other old plows and miscellaneous junk machinery; "1968 J.D. No. 55E. E. Combine No.

335 Corn head and 13 ft. grain head, clean and good; Case No. 120 Combine Att. A good CATTLE, HOG EQUIPMENT AND MISCELLANEOUS 3 Smidley 14 150 bu. Cattle feeders; 8 box bunker feeders; cattle and hog auto.

electric water fountains; lot of hog feeders and fountains; hog houses; 3 J.D. Hydraulic Cylinders, 1 Case Cylinder; many other and miscellaneous tools supplies and etc; TRUCK AND CRAWLER 1970 Ford No. 600 grain truck and only 12,200 actual miles; Case No. 310 Crawler tractor with front loader good. Lunch Served.

Terms Cash Not Responsible For Accidents Owner HENRY BREEDING AUCTION SERVICE BY HERMAN D. STRAKIS, Ind 244-8068 DON L. SMOCK WHITELAND, 585-4550 CLERK: Lonnie, Sawyer, Bargersville 422-5921 Another Seymour National SN "Gold Key" Monthly Income Certificate Accounts Receive a Monthly Income Check from Seymour National SEYMOUR NATIONAL BANK Chestnut and Second Seymour Phone 522-2120 Copyright 1971, A.

The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.