The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)

SEYMOUR DAILY TRIBUNE, SEYMOUR, INDIANA PAGE FOUR 'Don't worry he hasn't many teeth SEYMOUR MJLY TRIBUNE BttUUO 1179 Issue. Crtry IviJm Eictpl Suitaay fromthsCarroOIUghtstliurtltato For Tomorrow i. a tows A T. SaeondClati rtij Ct 5ymor. Indiana 424 tfoune Inc isher CONNER.

Tubl 1 tiilniullu Hilhtiu. Shan. MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED MtESS noi Ai Cullen. New York. BoMon, TIM Associated Preae li entitle elusive um of all local newt printed In Chlcagos Detroit, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Atlanta, Pittsburgh, Syracuta and Charley ai well ai all ap newt patches.

1 jj All-Out War On Cancer GENERAL TENDENCIES: -Arguments and discussions of sn unfortuniU nsture csn be voided. Try to circumvent an element of risk that could jeopardise your security. If ypu relax and let flutters work out you find an opportunity to get ahead. When opportunity comes, accept at once; ARIES (Mir. 21 to Apr.

19) Go out and hive a good time but ba sure that others really want to go along with your ideas. First, ba sure you get important responsibilities handled weU. Get home at a reasonable hour in the evening. TAURUS (Apr. 20 to May 20) Forget argument between kin and an associate who do not agree on certain matters.

Think well before you put through those ideas with others. Make sure they are practical. Be wise. GEMINI (May 21 to June 21) Study how to add efficiency to your work and make surroundings more comfortable. Take no chances while in travel.

Steer clear of places where danger lurks, or it could be costly. MOON CHILDREN (June 22 to July 21) Steer dear of spending money foolishly because others are trying to con you into things that are not right for you. Use orthodox business methods. Find better ways to economize. Take it easy tonight.

LEO (July 22 to Aug. 21) If you show those at home you are concerned about their health and welfare, you will get their cooperation for your ideas, projects. Don't be forceful or you get nowhere with them. Evening can be a most happy one. VIRGO (Aug.

22 to Sept. 22) Although you may have work to do that is getting on your nerves, don't take it out on those around you. Don't complain. Eliminate obstacles that stand in the way of your progress and all is fine. LIBRA (Sept.

23 to Oct. 22) Avoid arguments with a good friend which could lead to severance of connections. Control your temper. Avoid the social if you can and get busy on personal matters. SCORPIO (Oct.

23 to Nov. 2 1) Try not to give a higherup a piece of your mind or you could get into trouble. You may find that you were wrong after U. Show appreciation for what you have, the community you live in. SAGITTARIUS (Nov.

22 to Dec. 21) Not a good day to further new contacts you made recently, since they are busy now. Study new ideas and views of others you have heard expressed, and youll accomplish much. Avoid extravagance. CAPRICORN (Dec.

22 to Jan. 20) Not a good day to argue over an overcharge with another or a bad argument could ensue. Use diplomacy with mate also. A good day for paying bills and making collections. Delve into that hobby you like in the evening.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 to Feb. 19) Don't be tempted to act in such a peculiar manner that you have trouble with a good associate, who is vital to your success. Don't jeopardize present good position you find yourself in. Express your good sense of humor.

PISCES (Feb. 20 to Mar. 20) Get busy at work in front of you and don't think that higherups are being unfair. Use spare time to improve health and home instead of dashing out for expensive pleasure. Show that you are a sensible person.

IF YOUR CHILD IS BORN TODAY he or she will be one of those persons who needs understanding as well as to be understood. Give your progeny the security needed early in life and then supervise activities wisely. Teach responsibility early, and not to argue so much, but try to keep harmony wherever possible. Some religious training is good but don't overdo it only to hsve your progeny turn against religion. Carroll Righter's Individual Forecast for your sign for January is now ready.

For your copy send your birthdate and $1 to Carroll Righter Forecast, Seymour Daily Tribune, Box 629, Hollywood, Calif 90028. ((c) 1970, McNaught Syndicate, Inc.) The idea of an all-out war on cancer is sound. America does magnificently when it concentrates expertise, money and brains in a great project. But it would be dumping money to take this work away from the National Institute of Health, where the experience resides. If more money can be spent, by all means give it to the men who have mobilized the present cancer research centers mainly universities and hospitals and done a wonderful job with the little they had to spend.

Given the funds, the national institutes can do the job by expanding their personnel and facilities, not replacing them from the start. The concentration that created the atom bomb in World War II and the team effort that put the first man on the moon are patterns which, if followed, would conquer cancer, the 28-member panel named by a Senate resolution declares. The group called for an independent National Cancer Authority that would do the cancer research now being done in the Department of Health, Education and Welfare and its famed institutes of health, including the National Cancer Institute. The new agency would start with $400 million for research and reach $1 billion by 1976. The National Cancer Institute will be spending around $190 million this fiscal year and the American Cancer Society, the only other big spender, $24 million.

King Feature Syndicate, 1970. Boggs Faces Opposition For Mouse Leader Spot By WILLIAM S. WHITE WASHINGTON. They are shaking the ladder upon which Rep. Hale Boggs of Louisiana has every right to ascend to the post of Democratic leader of the House in the new Congress assembling in January.

Effective Judicial Action Rarely has lllogic, to which the art of politics is unfortunately no stranger, been so pervasive as in this instance. For Boggs is being quietly challenged by a man, Rep. B. F. Sisk of California, whose chief credentials appear from the outside to be a simple, humanly understandable but not very logical desire fled in terror.

This was the appallingly thankless task of acting as chairman of remember Chicago in 19687-th Platform Committee at the 1968 Democratic National Convention. This was undeniably above and beyond the call of partisan duty, since Vietnam doves and hawks would and inevitably did sharpen their already bitter claws upon the solid head and shoulders of "Mister Chairman." How can it be, then, that, such a man should appear to be in genuine danger of losing the normal promotion to the perfectly decent but somewhat ambivalent member who is Representative Sisk of California? Digging down into the enigma suggests some answers none very good but all very real. Sisk, a member of the House Rules Committee which controls the traffic of bills to the House floor, has somehow managed to seem to be both liberal and conservative more or less at the same time. He is benefiting, too, from the sad reality that a purely rational stance in public life relations" and is always putting the issues ahead of the personal touch. For a Southerner, he is quite liberal.

In consequence, be faces, loss of support of at least a part of the Southern old guard which normally would back him like a shot simply because of his geography. To the Northern and Eastern far-liberals of the House to be in the slightest way Southern is to be too Southern altogether. To these fellows, Sisk, whose voting record shows some sharp rigs and zags over the years, is much preferable although ironically, he himself was born in Texas. The outcome of it all, which will be determined in the first Democratic party caucus of the new Congress, is further enshrouded by the fact that, so far as anybody can find out, the biggest of all House Democrats, Carl Albert of Oklahoma, is practicing a total neutralism. Albert will be elected Speaker of the House in succession to the retirinjr-John W.

Mc-Cormackr of Massachusetts, thus leaving the Democratic leader's job open. Where Albert's yea and nay will for the job. The reasons why Boggs HE WAS SHORT Of STATURE. HAP I 1 ra iwviw pvt. i I should have for the asking the traditional promotion from chief whip, or assistant leader, to leader are merely sensible.

BEETHOVEN WAS I SHOULDERS, A SHORT NECK, A LAR6E HEAPANPA BWND NOS" First, he has for 15 years no reconciliation among them in time to be effective, and the federal court went to the heart of the matter. The trains had to continue to run. In 1950, President Truman shocked organized labor, his supporters, by seizing the railroads and ordering the Army to run them. They were not returned to their owners for 21 months, after a new contract was negotiated and signed. President Nixon, an admirer of Truman vigor, was expected to follow suit.

He waited for Congress to act and the federal court solved the dilemma for both the executive and legislative branches. It was an example of swift and effective action which the judical branch, untrammeled by political considerations, could and did take. For getting the trains, jnning. again before their halt had seriously affected the health, safety and defense of the nation, Judge Pratt deserves the people's unbounded thanks. served his party in the hard, nitty-gritty jobs seven There was no precedent for raising the pay of railway workers by legislation, as the House tried to do in its attempt to settle the railroad It was a dangerous act, opening the way for such settlements in future strikes.

Also unprecedented was the fine of $200,000 a day imposed by U. S. Judge John H. Pratt. It recalled the fine of $29,240,000 imposed on Standard Oil of Indiana in 1907 by U.

S. Judge Kenesaw Mountain Landis for accepting freight rebates, (It was set aside 15 months later when railroads were found guilty of giving rebates.) Just as Judge Landis' fine brought Standard Oil of Indiana to capitulation, so Judge Pratt's fine, not the House vote, broke the back of -the -railroad strike. A strike" that would have cost $1,000,000 every five days was too costly for the railroad brotherhoods to bear. In this dispute, the federal court acted with dispatch, and to the point. While Congress debated and brought out many bills, there was years as an assistant whip and eight -years as chief whip.

Second, it is not debatable that his is one of the truly first-class minds of the House. Third, he is (gQvPXlr4iyWg) BEETHOVEN WAS the ranking member of the powerful- Ways and Means Committee. Bogg's-stance 4s ail too -no man in the House has more often put his political life on the line in resolute support of a po fall in the end in the ter of his successor is body's guess. often off-putting to many people. Sisk is a pleasantly effective member on the record.

Boggs, like most politicians of high talent, is not strong on his personal "public litics of rationalism that is, of moderate liberism that has Copyright, 1970. by United Feature Syndicate, Inc TUESDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1970 always rejected mere theatrical screaming as the alternative to getting things done. Finally, perhaps the greatest of all the Democratic Party's debts to Hale Boggs is that in 1968 he took on the job from which many another ordinarily stout fellow WrBM-TVI Indianapolbi Anotjisr World 4 IS 4 .10 4ikebflai 4 4 5 in i IS WTTV4 Indianapoliit 4 Popeye 4 IS 4 Jn 4 45 5 ui f1inlu)N- li WISH-TV Indianapolb Comer Pyle IKSMc 4 IS Early Mam 4 45 5 IS 34S a is 45 WLW-1 13 Indianapolis 4 00 Dark Shadow 4 IS 4 njg VaUty 4 45 SfV 5 IS 30 Dragnet 45 "News IS 3 ABC New 45 7 oo Beat The Clock Vietnam War Ds Less i Understood Than Others The Adflams Family i Jenkins Having One-Man Show WAVK-TV 3 ltuKvillr 4 in Chan I Movu-x 4 l.i 4 4 45 Ill I Flintdomit 5 45 kin World Today l.i NBC Nightly New ft 45 WAVE Movie I mi a i a i 5 45 WIIAS-TV II l.oubtvillr 4 mi Gamer Pyle 4 15 4 1'iTrv Mason 4 45 5 Ml 5 15 "DtcaVanvyBebb 5 45 mi Channel 11 new a 15 :) 45 7 15 vBerarly Hlllbtni 4i a luGraaa Acre 15 WLKV.TVSt Louisville nark Shadows 4. IS 4 30 Batman 4:43 I CUIItam bland 5 IS 30 Evewttnm News 1:43 Film FeiUval IS 7.1$ 7 3 Mod Squad t.m IS Movie of Week IS 7: IS II mi i van Dyke IS Daniel Boon mi 7 0 7 IS 7 PstUoeat Junction 11. U.

Basketball is 4S Ml a it 7 3V Beverly MBbUBeaic 741 I tn Grses Acres nu IS IS WHovHaw Movie of the Weak 4S 1:43 tm tau IS tis a Night Movie He Haw Newt a IS XI NBC Nightly New 43 7 la Karly Kivurt 7IS 7 Don Knott 7 45 run is Tnsa. Night Movie I 41 IS 4S in on mi is hi ai HI II rlnal hvporl ll IS TonifM Shew ll 45 141 lit) tt 15 Don Jenkins, of Indianapolis, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. B.

Jenkins, of near Cortland, is having a one-man show in wire sculpturing at the Canal House in Broad Ripple. Some of Jenkins' work is being used in a play now being presented on Broadway in New York City. Mr. and Mrs. T.

B. Jenkins attended the opening of their son's show in Broad Ripple, Sunday. 30 lo Rome With Lev WHAS New mPtardue atktt'mW 4 45 I CarWmaa Special ln 4S 43 48 a I Ml 'i 15 1 45 III Ml HI l.i III SI Ml 4.1 ii mi' New Report II 15 Tonight Shaw it in 15 in mCBS Report III 45 10 IS 4 II Ill 45 Hi Chrbxma Special yur Wwlbf H. Dlv.n urcw Welbv Ml IS III IS lew CBS Special W4S M4S ll an channels New iiwfceluiaa to News' Eyewitness New ll IS li Mliervfirimn DickCavettHhow II nim Festive! II 45 II 45 tn i Chamel ll ii mi Capitol New Beat II IS ii i Movie 4 II 45 li 15 Mm Cirtflln II 45 WEDNESDAY, DECEADER 16, 1970 By JEFFREY HART Undoubtedly the Vietnamese War has been leu understood by Americans generally than any previous American war. Try asking several reasonably literate friends not for their visceral reaction to the war but such specific questions as, What are the enemy's goals? and What the crucial tactical considerations in South Vietnam itself? and What, specifically, have we learned from the conflict about what to do and what not to do in such "wars of If you ask such questions of five friends, you will certainly receive five different sets of answers.

Now you will notice that such confusion would not have existed, say, in 1944 about World War II. or in 1952 about the Korean War. But this fact, in itself, points to what may be called the cognitive novelty of the Vietnamese War. It is difficult to see -Just because It is a new experience. Fortunately, amid the flood of books about the war their very number is an.

impediment to the understanding a book has now appeared that accomplishes in remarkably brief fashion the fundamental work of definition and clarification. I can do no greater favor than to call it to your attention. It is Sir Robert Thompson's "Revolutionary War in World Strategy 1945-1909," (Taplinger). Sir Robert is, in fact, the West's leading expert on revolutionary Insurgency, our General Glap, so to apeak, both practitioner and a theoretician of this kind of warfare. He was one of the architects of the British, victory over the Communist insurgency, in Malaya; he has since been a Malayan conflict.

"No Exit From Vietnam" discusses the American performance there; Sir Robert was chief of the British Advisory Mission to Vietnam. His critique is detailed and profound, and in its conclusions tends to support the present American strategy, though to understand what that strategy actually is, you will have to read the book. The third small volume, only 171 pages, is a kind of theoretical summa of the first two, and takes as Us perspective the many insurgencies of various kinds since the end of World War II. They have produced varied results. Some have lost 3reece, Malays', the Philippines.

Some have ended only in the strategic and political advance of Communist power, as in Algeria. Some nave succeeded completely: China, Cuba. What Sir Robert does is grasp the special nature of such wars, their generic similarities. Thus, they fall into "three distinct phases': building up the party organization within the population; gradually enlarging guerilla and terrorist operations; "when a point of equilibrium with the government has been reached effectiveness rather than the whole revolutionary movement goes over to the offensive and is prepared to engage In more open warfare until victory is won." Sir Robert makes a key distinction between the aim of the party apparatus and the ostensible "cause" for which the war la being waged. The ostensible cause varies; the aim is always the same the seizure of power and the transformation of the country into a "socialist" state.

Sir Robert is the West's leading theoretician, and taxonomist, of the People's War of Liberation. His latest Volume is de- WITMI-TVI MihaMfwIta Today II New WTetlay VlripOrahaai is "WnakiPUee MIS Cwteemroll ll nSaieofCoMury lilt WTTV4 ladiaaaBolte Kartooa m. Ill S3 IWTopow lark telaan Lacy show Mil Movie Came lie Okrl Talk I CejMl 4 New WISH-TV Capl Kangaroo III CaffwCup St It: II 3 Btv HiUlaUlea W4I UN Family Affair ll MLeveefUe WAVE-TV Lotiiavillc Today 31 Mora. Shew is New I WDlnah'i Place IS I Ceacenlratlaa II ir so Holyweed WLW-1 13 ladiaaapelbi HSeaaas Street 1:11 0 I MUttlest Holt) Paul DUtonMhow It It MN Mil SwPttal Donahue II il 31 New 11,41 NFemWiwie Wl JCY-TV 33 UubvUle I RaaJ MeCeyi III I Hanoi 1:11 IN MN ii Bewiiched 11:11 That Obi II II I Eyewitness New Seymour Daily Tribune 1211 Eaat Tipton St. Published each evening except Sunday, New Year's Day, Memorial CftrtVmaa' 4U Labor Day and Seymour Tribune Inc.

THOMAS W. CONNER, Publisher Entered at Mm Seymour, Ind. 47274 PeetofAce aa Second Clast Matter. Daily Tribune by Home Delivery One year 2 0O Six Month HOOT Three Month SO One Week SO- Single Copy 10 DAILY TRIBUNE by mall: All mall aubecrtptlona In advance and none are accepted where carrier service Jackson and Adjoining Counties (Jennings, Scott, Washington, Lawrence Monroe, Brown and Bartholomew) On Year 114.10 Six Month I IS Three Month 4.7i Lee than three month 10 per week. Dally Tribune to Servicemen One Year 114 SO Six Month S.2S Three Month 4.7S WHAS-TVII Ldejbvllle MCapt Kongar Seat the Clock IS MEdge of Night tm UryShow Ml: IS I'UJbUUea II Family Affair 11:11 ll Love of life 11:41 ll "when Heart I llHTomorrow IMFOCDS 1:11 I WorU Turns 1:11 ll II 11 NClMtrkwagoaTheatrtii loepardy II 4WhrTheHeort HiWtlub li ft 3Wt1ul 11: IS IS: IS 11:11 11:11 II: II St.

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The Tribune from Seymour, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

Birthday: 1998-08-29

Address: 747 Lubowitz Run, Sidmouth, HI 90646-5543

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Hobby: Digital arts, Lacemaking, Air sports, Running, Scouting, Shooting, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Delena Feil, I am a clean, splendid, calm, fancy, jolly, bright, faithful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.