Oxygen quantification & forecasting (2024)

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Contributors: Sky Vanderburg, Cornelius Sendagire, MMed, Michael Lipnick, MD

Date last updated: Aug 29, 2023


The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the urgent need for tools to support a range of users seeking to understand oxygen supply and demand. This includes for example:

  • Clinicians at the bedside trying to understand how long their supply will last or how much oxygen a new delivery device might consume
  • Hospital operations lead or biomedical engineer/technician trying to estimate supply capacity or how often to order refills of LOX or cylinders
  • Hospital administrator trying to estimate costs
  • A Ministry of Health trying to design distribution of national or regional capacity to care for a surge in patients
  • Advocacy or policy teams seeking to improve access to oxygen locally or globally
  • Planners trying to determine which oxygen supply systems are optimal for a given setting

Oxygen consumption is commonly estimated based on need (e.g. number of beds, gas wall outlets, historical consumption), however, such estimates have major limitations and challenges. Flow measurement systems are uncommon in many facilities including LMICs, and also may not account for true need (e.g. waste, leak, rationing etc).

Below are descriptions of some widely used tools. A comparison summary table is coming soon.

Oxygen quantification tools

Bedside tools

Open Critical Care Oxygen Calculator

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (1)

Open Critical Care Oxygen Calculator

  • Target audience: clinicians, facility decision-makers, advocates
  • Purpose: support rapid forecasting and rapid calculations to help non-engineers understand supply and consumption; to track facility-level consumption over time
  • Quantification Level: Facility, ward or patient
  • Format: online web/mobile
  • Inputs: facility-level data including comprehensive list of device types, oxygen supply models; also allows input of minimal data (# beds and severity of disease) to model demand forecasts
  • Outputs: oxygen demand at health facility; oxygen consumption by device/patient; graph of oxygen consumption over time (daily) by device type; data can be exported to csv or pdf
  • Potential limitations: unvalidated; requires Internet
  • Link to latest version (new version coming January 2023)

Facility level tools

PATH Quantification and costing tool: oxygen delivery sources

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (2)

PATH Quantification and costing tool: oxygen delivery sources

  • Target audience:health and procurement specialists and oxygen technology stakeholders
  • Purpose: support high-level healthcare budgeting and planning needs related to oxygen
  • Quantification Level: Facility
  • Format: excel workbook, offline (downloaded as zip via Office 365, 17mb)
  • Inputs: facility-level data and customizable country input parameters
  • Outputs: oxygen demand at health facility; recommended oxygen source to meet needs (i.e. LOX, concentrators, PSA, cylinders or a mix); multiple scenarios of oxygen infrastructure to compare CAPEX/OPEX cost, demand, resource re-allocation; procurement lists for facilities covering oxygen source equipment, consumables, and diagnostic devices. It can also quantify which consumables and equipment will need to be replaced across a specified timeframe, when reordering is needed and the ongoing budget required.
  • Potential limitations: unvalidated; complex; dynamic demand is difficult to capture; difficult to use output to help decision-makers forecast supply solutions at different levels of care
  • Link to latest version

PATH Oxygen Consumption Tracking Tool

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (3)

PATH Oxygen Consumption Tracking Tool

  • Target audience:health and procurement specialists and oxygen technology stakeholders
  • Purpose: tack oxygen consumption at the facility level to monitor usage, estimate future need and determine optimal device mix in the facility
  • Quantification Level: Facility
  • Format: excel workbook, offline
  • Inputs: monthly consumption data for 5 oxygen sources, facility bed numbers, O2 supply sources
  • Outputs: total oxygen consumption at health facility by supply type
  • Potential limitations: unvalidated; numerous inputs; does not quantify patient-side demand
  • Link to latest version

UNICEF Oxygen System Planning Tool (OSPT)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (4)

UNICEF Oxygen System Planning Tool (OSPT)

  • Target audience: decision-makers, implementers, and advocates
  • Purpose: help users (above) plan, manage, and communicate the value of scaling up oxygen delivery systems and access to oxygen
  • Quantification Level: Facility
  • Format: excel workbook, offline
  • Inputs: country data (India, Indonesia, Kenya, Malawi, Senegal, Tanzania included)
  • Outputs: oxygen demand; cost (capital and operating expenditures)
  • Potential limitations: ~large file, unvalidated; bed inputs and layout are tough to follow; dynamic demand is difficult to capture; difficult to use output to help decision-makers forecast supply solutions at different levels of care
  • Link to latest version

Open Critical Care Oxygen Calculator

Click to see description above

National planning tools

WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (ESFT)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (5)

WHO COVID-19 Essential Supplies Forecasting Tool (ESFT)

  • Target audience: governments, partners, and other stakeholders
  • Quantification Level: National
  • Format: excel workbook, offline
  • Inputs: Estimated cases by data output from Susceptible-Exposed-Infected-Recovered (SEIR) epidemiological model from Imperial College London over a set period of time
  • Outputs: Quantify and project oxygen demand as related to COVID-19 surge at national level in m^3/day (output shown as greatest demand-day by week); consumable medical supplies, biomedical equipment for case management, and essential drugs for supportive care and treatment of COVID-19
  • Potential limitations: non-COVID19 hypoxemia oxygen demand not included; unvalidated; complex; dynamic demand is difficult to capture; difficult to use output to help decision-makers forecast supply solutions at different levels of care
  • Link to latest version

WHO ESFT v4 calculation pathway

Image by WHO Technical consultation on oxygen access scale-up for COVID-19, WHO, 2022

Oxygen quantification formulas

The formulas described below are used in the OCC Oxygen Calculator.

Manufacturer specifications must always be referenced especially when using delivery devices with bias flow, turbines and compressors.

When estimating device consumption one must always consider device leak or leak at the patient interface which is commonly encountered.

How much does gaseous oxygen (O2) weigh?

What is the weight of gaseous oxygen (O2)?

This calculation is relevant as in some settings oxygen quantity may be described by the volume of gaseous oxygen in liters (or other units) or the weight of gaseous oxygen in kg (or other units). First, remember the atomic and molecular weight of oxygen: O = 15.99 g/mol and O2 = 32 g/mol

Use the ideal gas law: PV = nRT

P = pressure (in atm);V = volume (in Liters);n = amount of substance (in moles);R = ideal gas constant = 0.0821 (units are (Liters*atm)/(Kelvin*n) );T = absolute temperature (in Kelvin)

To get the gaseous volume of 1 mole of gas: V=nRT/P

(1 mol)(0.0821 L/atm/K/mol)(273K)/1atm = 22.4 L gas

1 mole gas (STP) = 22.4L = 32g of O2

(32g/mol)(1L/22.4L/mol)= 1.428 g O2 per gaseous liter at STP

Standard temperature and pressure is 1 atm and 273K or O C

If we assume a ‘room temperature’ (NTP) of 20 degrees C, then using the same formula with this temperature:


(1 mol)(0.0821 L/atm/K/mol)(293K)/1atm = 24.05 L gas

(32g/mol)(1L/24.05 L/mol) = 1.33 g of O2 per gaseous liter at 20 degrees C (Normal Temperature and Pressure – NTP)

So if you have 1000 L of gaseous oxygen at room temperature, then the weight is: 1.33 g/L (1000L) = 1.33 kg

Patient consumption estimates

For calculators that modeled facility scenarios (e.g. OCC Oxygen Demand Calculator), users can manipulate the size of the ward and the severity of hypoxemia for patients. Often estimates of oxygen consumption by patient are derived from expert opinion and limited data. Although cross-sectional oxygen usage data have been published from early in the COVID-19 pandemic, the evolution of respiratory support practices—particularly the timing of intubation and the roles of non-invasive ventilation and high flow nasal oxygen—has limited the degree to which these data could be used to guide present-day estimates of oxygen demand.

Early WHO estimates postulated that 75% of hospitalized COVID19 patients would be classified as ‘severe’ (10 L/min O2 requirement) and 25% classified as ‘critical’ (30 L/min O2 requirement). These numbers have not been validated and how oxygen need changed over time for patients with COVID19, different strains of COVID19, and for other respiratory illnesses is poorly characterized.

Below is a summary table of select data to date.


# patients in study cohort


0-5LPM (NC)

5-10LPM (FM)

10-15LPM (NRB)



Mechanical ventilation


Milan, Italy




10.4% (outside ICU); 6.2% in ICU. Mean FiO2 Also provides breakdown of CPAP vs NPPV

0.4%. Mean FiO2 59.2%



California, US

39.2% (for NC + FM + NRB)







California, US








New York, US

56% (NC + FM)




4.1% (Venturi + HFNC)


Cylinder duration

Below are cylinder constants used in the OCC cylinder duration calculations that follow:

  • ‘Size C’: 0.085
  • ‘Size D’: 0.17
  • ‘Size E’: 0.34
  • ‘Size F’: 0.68
  • ‘Size G’: 1.7
  • ‘Size J’: 3.40
  • ‘Size K’: 3.55

Remaining Supply = Oxygen quantification & forecasting (6)

Remaining Time = Oxygen quantification & forecasting (7)

Pressure in psi and Flow in LPM

Pressure (bar) × Cylinder water volume (L) = Total gas volume (L)

* Of note: cylinder size terminology and volumes are not universally standard. You must check with the local manufacturer for cylinder capacity and size/capacity.

*Service pressure for aluminum cylinders is approximately 2000-2200 psi (137-150 bar), while service pressure for steel cylinders may vary more widely. Always check with the manufacturer for specifications.

Cylinder size

The OCC cylinder size calculator uses volumetric calculations based on height, circumference (or width), and wall thickness to estimate volume of the cylinder (see formulas below). This calculator assumes the shape of a cylinder which will vary from the actual shape of a gas cylinder – see ISO 7866 andISO 9809for details.Steel and aluminum cylinders have different wall thicknesses and knowing which type of cylinder you have is necessary for accurate estimations.

Calculated cylinder volume may vary from actual or manufacturer reported cylinder volume due to differences between the entered and actual wall thickness, shape of the bottom or top of the cylinder, or the fill pressure used to define capacity, among other potential factors. SeeISO7866 and ISO9809

Liquid water volume capacity:Liquid volume is given by approximating the volume of a cylinder, by

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (8)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (9)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (10)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (11)

(We do not multiply the wall thickness x2, as for this estimate we account for the thickness of the cylinder base only and not the dome)

Gaseous oxygen volume: Boyle’s Law is used to convert from a known volume and pressure to another known volume and pressure. For example, if we have an E cylinder with a volume of 4.7 L water and 2000 PSI (137 bar), and convert that to gaseous volume at ambient atmospheric pressure (P = pressure; V = Volume):

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (12)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (13)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (14)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (15)

Further simplified, Pressure (bar) × Cylinder water volume (L) = Total gas volume (L) at sea level. If pressure units are in PSI, then this must be accounted for (1 atm pressure at sea level = 14.70 psi):

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (16)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (17)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (18)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (19)

If you have the dimensions of the cylinder, the pressure in the cylinder and know ambient pressure, then the above equations can be arranged as follows:

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (20)

(Volume in liters; Pressure in any unit; diameter, wall thickness and height in mm)

PSA/VSA Plant and PSA Concentrator Supply

In the OCC O2 supply calculator, user inputs quantity per unit of time and we convert to Liters per day * % day safely run * leakage factor

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (21)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (22)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (23)

For concentrators, user inputs number of concentrators and calculator multiplies above by number of concentrators.

Liquid oxygen supply

For the OCC liquid oxygen supply calculator, the user inputs total quantity in gallons or Liters. We eliminated height remaining in the insulated storage tank as an option for quantifying since this is dependent on the variable geometry of the storage tank.

To calculate gaseous oxygen supply from liquid oxygen supply, multiply liquid liters by 861 to convert to gaseous liters, then multiply by a system leakage factor. This comes from the ideal gas law, and we assume conditions of ‘room temperature’ (20C-22C) and standard pressure (1 atm). The following explains where how this conversion factor for liquid to gaseous oxygen is derived.

Ideal gas law: PV = nRT

P = pressure (in atm); V = volume (in Liters); n = amount of substance (in moles); R = ideal gas constant = 0.0821 (units are (Liters*atm)/(Kelvin*n) ); T = absolute temperature (in Kelvin)

  • To calculate volume (in Liters) of gaseous oxygen from liquid oxygen (in Liters), convert Liters of liquid oxygen to moles of oxygen.
  • Multiply the Liters of liquid oxygen by 1000 to convert from Liters to mL, then multiply by its density, 1.14g/mL to obtain mass of oxygen. Divide mass of oxygen by its molecular mass (O2 so 32g/mole) to obtain moles (n) of oxygen.
  • Convert temperature to Kelvin (if Celsius, add 273.15).
  • This input is entered into the ideal gas law: Liters of gaseous oxygen = V = (nRT) / P

When sea level and room temperature are assumed, this simplifies to:

  • Liters of liquid oxygen * 861 = Liters of gaseous oxygen
  • Leakage factor is then included to take into account leaks from equipment.

Nasal cannula, facemask, non-rebreather

As used in the OCC Demand Calculator, FiO2 is assumed to be 1.0 and flow rates are adjustable in liters per minute.

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (24)

High flow nasal oxygen

As used in the OCC Demand Calculator, FiO2 is adjustable (defaulted to 1.0) and flow rate is adjustable in liters per minute.

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (25)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (26)


As used in the OCC Demand Calculator, FiO2 is adjustable (defaulted to 1.0) and flow rate is adjustable in liters per minute and dependent on multiple factors.

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (27)

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (28)

Notes: on bias flow and FiO2.

Pressure unit conversions




psi (libra/pulg2)



1 kg/cm2







1 atm







1 bar







1 psi







1 kPa







1000 mmHg







2000 psi (Cylinder pressure)







50 psi (Medical gas pipeline system)







FiO2 and air+O2 consumption

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (29)

PaO2 from SpO2 imputation calculation

SaO₂ = user input range 0 to 100%

FiO₂ = user input range 0 to 100%

Imputed PO₂ =

( 11700 / ( (1/SaO₂) – 1 ) + ( 50^3 + (11700 / ( (1/SaO₂) – 1 ))^2 ) ^1/2 ) ^ ⅓

Non-linear equation derived in brown et al.Chest 2016 (formula above and below in image)

Imputed P:F = Imputed PO₂ / FiO₂

S:F = (SaO₂ * 100) / FiO₂

How to calculate PaO2 from SpO2 (pulse oximetry) to calculate P:F ratio for ARDS severity. The X-axis if SpO2 and the Y axis is FiO2. Colored boxes are P:F using imputed PaO2 from SpO2.

Oxygen quantification & forecasting (30)

Cite this post as: Sky Vanderburg, Cornelius Sendagire, MMed, Michael Lipnick, MD.Oxygen quantification & forecasting.OpenCriticalCare.org.Published on 29/08/2023.Accessed 16/08/2024.Available at OpenCriticalCare.org/encyclopedia/oxygen-quantification-forecasting.

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24 November 2022

This article reviews terminology commonly used when describing the physiology of oxygenation.

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29 July 2022

Overview of oxygen connector types

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Overview of oxygen sources

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Oxygen quantification & forecasting (2024)
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