Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (2024)

Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (1)

What type of dog do you get if you cross a Golden Retriever with a Corgi? A Golden Corgi.

The Golden Retriever Corgi mix is an adorable, medium-sized, mixed-breed dog. It’s a mix of two of the best-loved and most popular purebred dog breeds; the purebred Golden Labrador Retriever and the purebred Corgi.

Sometimes it’s also called a:

  • Goldie Corgi,
  • Corgi Golden Retriever,
  • Golden Retriever Mix,
  • Corgi Retriever,
  • Corgi Mix
  • or a Corgi Retriever dog

A Golden Retriever Corgi mix blends the best of both of the parent breeds; fun-loving, outgoing and makes a loyal companion. It’s playful and good-natured with a gentle temperament making it a perfect family dog and companion for any type of dog owner. The Golden Retriever Corgi Mix puppy is cute and loving.

A brief history of this mixed breed dog

The Golden Retriever Corgi Mix is not a purebred dog breed.

When two different dog breeds are intentionally mixed the resulting crossbreed is recognized as a ‘designer breed’; this Corgi Golden Labrador Retriever mix dog is sometimes nicknamed the ‘Goldie Corgi’.

The Corgi breed used to mix with the Golden Retriever could be one of two breeds; a Pembroke Corgi, or possibly the Cardigan Welsh Corgi; both are purebred Corgi breeds.

FACT: Initially Corgis were recognized by the names Welsh Corgi (Cardigan) or the Welsh Corgi (Pembroke), but in 2006 the names were separately recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC), as the ‘Cardigan Welsh Corgi’ and the ‘Pembroke Welsh Corgi’ breeds.

This Golden Corgi crossbreed dog is a mix of a purebred Golden Labrador Retriever with either a purebred Pembroke Welsh Corgi or a purebred Cardigan Welsh Corgi.

The resulting pooch, even though both parent breeds are from recognized purebred dog breeds, is a hybrid dog; becoming popular in the 1990s as new breed designer dogs.

As a mixed-breed dog, the Golden Retriever Corgi Mix dog is not recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC).

This relatively new designer breed is not yet recognized by the Designer Dog Kennel Club, in the United States.

Designer dogs, or ‘Boutique dogs’, as they are sometimes referred to, come in a variety of coat colors and types, depending on the genes and appearance of the parent breeds and which one they favor most.

Any hybrid dog will inherit its characteristics from both parent breeds but the result will not be known until the puppy is born and observed as it grows up.

Meet the parents: The parents’ breed history:

Parent 1: A brief history of the Golden Retriever parent – a purebred dog

The Golden Retriever originated in Scotland, around the end of the 18th Century.

In 1868, Lord Tweedmouth, a British Aristocrat, wanted a loyal and hard-working gundog to retrieve waterfowl while hunting on his estate in Scotland. So he crossed a wavy-coated yellow retriever (sire) with a Tweed Water Spaniel (dam) and produced 3 Golden-colored Retriever puppies.

Fact: the Tweed Water Spaniel is now an extinct dog breed.

Lord Tweedmouth mixed this new breed Retriever with an Irish Setter to create today’s recognized Golden Retriever dog breed.

In 1903, the Golden Retriever dog breed was registered by the UK Kennel Club, and they quickly became popular as adorable family pets and show dogs.

The Golden Retriever breed was recognized by the American Kennel Club (AKC) in 1925 and now ranks as the 3rd most popular dog breed in the United States.

Parent 2: A brief history of the Corgi parent – a purebred dog

The purebred Corgi dog is traditionally a herding dog from Wales, in the United Kingdom, dating back to the 12th Century; it’s known for herding cattle and protecting farmyards.

There are two types of Welsh Corgi dog: the Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog and the Cardigan Welsh Corgi dog. These two variations of Corgi dogs from Wales are not officially interbred.

The Cardigan Welsh Corgi has a broader chest and a more powerful and elongated body, a wide low-set tail, and big round ears. It can have some blue color in its eyes. Its coat color can be Brown, Blue Merle, Black and White with Tan patches or Red and Sable with White patches.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi, favored by Queen Elizabeth II of England, has a less broad chest, a curvier shape, and a docked tail or even no tail. It has a fox-like face, with compact ears. They have no blue color in their eyes. Their coat color is only accepted in Sable, Red, Sable, and Red mix with white patches.

Both types of Welsh Corgi dogs have short legs and although this is a cute characteristic feature it’s due to a form of dwarfism and causes problems in the legs later in life.

Fact: Queen Elizabeth II, of the United Kingdom, is a big fan of the Pembroke Welsh Corgi breed and has owned several during her reign.

Both the Cardigan Welsh Corgi and the Pembroke Welsh Corgi dog breeds have strong front legs, a thick double coat, and great stamina which made them suitable as early herding dogs across the different terrain in Wales.

Both Welsh Corgi dog breeds tend to have good temperaments and make loyal companions and great family members.

The Pembroke Welsh Corgi is the more popular Corgi dog breed ranked 10th most popular purebred dog breed in the United States according to the American Kennel Club (AKC).

Meet the offspring:

The hybrid offspring of these two purebred dogs is the Golden Retriever and Corgi mix puppy – the Corgi Retriever puppy. This cross-breed dog has parents with hunting and retrieving skills and a high energy level.

The Golden Retriever Corgi mix breed has the classic appearance of the Golden Retriever and shorter body of the Corgi breed; inheriting their friendly, smiley face and their lovely big brown eyes from both parents.

Any Golden Retriever mix is likely to inherit soft, loving, and intelligent traits. Any Corgi mix is likely to inherit herding instincts, a high energy level, and possibly bossy tendencies. This mixed breed puppy will be happy, affectionate, and will easily become a fun family member for sure.

Fact: Designer dogs, such as Golden Retriever mixes are increasing in popularity and so is the trend to give them a cute combo name that reflects a bit of both parent names.

These new affectionate names are what’s known as ‘Portmanteau’ names, such as;

  • Goberian’ – Golden Retriever x Siberian Husky
  • ‘Sheprador’ – Golden Retriever x German Shepherd
  • ‘Golden Chi’ – Golden Retriever x Chihuahua
  • ‘Golden Weiner’ – Golden Retriever x Dachshund
  • ‘Goldendale’ – Golden Retriever x Terrier (Airedale)

The Golden Retriever Corgi puppy will inherit characteristics from both parents. As both parents are fun-loving, affectionate, out-going, and sociable dogs it’s expected that their mixed-breed puppies will be too.

What are the main characteristics of a Golden Retriever Corgi Mix?

Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (2)

Like any other crossbreed, a Golden Retriever and Corgi mix can inherit the characteristics of either parent or both.

Crossbreed dogs, like The Golden Corgi, are no more likely to inherit health issues than purebred dogs; in fact, it is believed they may actually be stronger. Any mixed puppy can inherit all, some or none of the health issues its parent breeds have.

Fact: Not all mixed breed dogs inherit exactly 50% of their characteristics from one parent and 50% from the other. It can be heavily weighted towards the characteristics of one parent more than the other.

The characteristics of The Golden Corgi are a combination of nature and nurture: genetics of the parents, the environment, and the quality, type and amount of training and socialization. Any mix-breed dog’s personality and appearance will vary from one dog to another.

The Golden Retriever Corgi mix dog – possible coat colors:

Both Golden Retriever and Corgis have a double coat: a thick topcoat and a warm undercoat. Therefore the Golden Corgi will inherit the same double-coat but is likely to be long-haired from the Golden Retriever mix. Possible coat colors from both parents are Fawn, Golden, Tan, Red, White, Black, and Brown, and could be one solid color or a mix of any of these colors.

Loyalty and companionship

The Golden Corgi is a relatively new breed, but the offspring of two adorable and much loved dogs. As both parents are highly loyal and trusting dogs it is likely that this pooch will be too.

It loves companionship and being a family member so it will make a close companion and just hang around those it loves.


This mix-breed dog is likely to follow the reputation of the Corgi and Golden retriever. They are both loving and gentle dogs that are clever and make a great family member in any set up of a family.

The Golden retriever is sweet, patient, and playful with no aggression in its bones. The corgi is also sweet and fun-loving and it can be silly and playful but it can also be stubborn and may nip at certain people or try to herd things, so be careful. This hybrid dog comes from two of the best loved and highly popular dog breeds. It too will be lovable, caring, and soft-hearted, yet with working dog parents, this mix puppy will want to keep active.

They will still need to be trained and socialized early as puppies to teach them how to use that energy positively and learn how to behave in public. They will bark if bored or uncertain of a situation. Not a big barker so not a great watchdog, although any bark can be enough to keep intruders away.


When both of your parents rank as two of the world’s most popular and best-loved dogs how can this Golden Corgi mix breed not be equally loveable and desirable?


Corgi Golden Retriever puppies are intelligent and easy to train. They are eager to please but they may inherit a stubborn streak from the Corgi; so patience is required when training this puppy.

This pooch will have a high energy level and need to have an equally busy activity level to stop it from getting bored and getting up to mischief. Any crossbreed with hunting or herding parentage will need to be trained and socialized early as it will inherit some of these traits.

They may attempt to herd small children and smaller pets so they need to be trained not to do this. Positive reinforcement and small treats will work well but not harsh discipline as this little puppy is soft-hearted and will get upset easily

Power and intelligence:

A Golden Corgi is an intelligent, spunky, and active with a herding and high energy working drive. It will enjoy and need working challenges incorporating mental and physical stimulation.


Early socialization and discipline are strongly recommended for any crossbred dog especially those with herding and working dog parents. When trained and socialized a Corgi Retriever dog will be approachable and friendly around children but should be supervised around very young kids.


Any herding or hunting dog will want to be useful and please its owner. It will enjoy tasks and challenges that combine exercise and puzzles.


The behavior of a Golden Retriever Corgi mix breed, coming from two gentle and loving dogs should be eager to please when obedience trained.

It’s large and active with lots of stamina and will be naughty if bored and may bark too.

Physical Characteristics of the Golden Retriever Corgi Mix

Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (3)

This dog is a sweet looking mix with a mind of its own. It will inherit a resilient strong body, beautiful face and it will love its food. It is a medium sized dog, which can be expected to read a height between 10-18 inches (25-46 cm) and a weight of between 30-75lbs (14-34KG) in maturity. An average life span for the Golden Retriever Corgi mix is between 10-13 years.

Eyes: Brown

Ears: Medium, soft triangular-shaped ears that dangle forwards

Coat: A long length, waterproof double coat. It will be a medium shedder

Color: The coat color dependent on which parent is dominant; it could be Fawn, Tan, Golden, White, Black, or Brown; solid or multi-color.


A Golden Retriever Corgi mix is not known to be aggressive.

It is loving and affectionate with everyone. When trained properly it will be loyal, obedient, and quickly form a strong and lasting bond with its family.

How should you train a Golden Corgi?

This mix breed dog is smart and has a high energy level so therefore needs lots of exercise with challenging tasks to perform to keep it stimulated.

Positive reinforcement and reward-based training work best. Teach leash training early for this puppy’s safety in public areas and road safety awareness. Types of training required: obedience, discipline, agility, and socialization.

So, if you are not going to use a professional dog trainer:

1) Develop your basic command words: Find keywords such as Stop, Sit, Down, etc. and be consistent each time you use them, always using positive reinforcement and small food-based treats as a reward but not too many as this mix-breed can gain weight easily.

2) Crate – Buy a crate and practice going into it and sleeping in it. You will have to lock the cage in the early days so it knows it can sleep there and be transported in it.

3) Potty training – Can be hit and miss for any new puppy that gets easily excited and lacks control, however products are available, such as mats and odor sprays to attract puppy go to the same spot each time. Eventually, the puppy with your help will learn where and where not to go.

4) Walking on a leash – this Puppy will be outgoing and may have herding or hunting instincts. Therefore, practice voice commands and road safety awareness firmly but not aggressively as its feeling get hurt easily.

For more info on training: Best Dog Training Books

Health problems and health issues

What health issues can a Golden Retriever Corgi mix suffer from?

Hip Dysplasia – a growth abnormality common in both parent breeds. Hip dysplasia is a malformation of the joint, where the ball at the top of the limb does not fit properly into the socket and the ligaments attaching it are weak. This allows excess movement of the fitting causing eventual stiffness and pain.

It can also suffer from Elbow Dysplasia where parts of the bone can break off.

There is no cure; pain management and anti-inflammatories may be prescribed by the Vet.

Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) – this is a genetic condition where the retina in the eye degenerates and it can lead to vision loss if not diagnosed and treated early.

Intervertebral disc disease – (IVD) is a common disorder causing pain, a partial loss of limb function, paralysis, and sometimes a loss of feeling in the hind limbs.

Obesity – both parent breeds like their food and are prone to weight gain, therefore the amount of food must be matched with the activity level of this dog.

Von Willebrand disease – is an inherited bleeding disorder caused by a lack of von Willebrand factor protein (vWF) in the bloodstream. A lack of this will prevent the control of bleeding should injury occur.

Other health issues include various inherited eye problems such as Cataracts, and eye anomalies and Cancer.

Check Out Some Of Our Dog Health Product Guides:

  • Best Dog Flea Treatment Reviews
  • Things You Should Know About Cerenia
  • Best Dog Joint Supplements
Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (4)

How do you care for a Golden corgi?

Exercise needs

The Golden Corgi is energetic, intelligent, and bores easily. It will need at least one hour of daily exercise and playtime; such as chase, fetch, with Frisbees and throwing toys, swimming, or even chasing other dogs in dog parks.


Golden Corgis can be greedy; this must be controlled to avoid obesity. Feed as a medium to large-sized dog depending on activity level. Split portions to prevent bloat (gas), average 3-4 cups of kibble, dry formulated food per day.


This mixed-breed dog has a long double coat that will shed moderately, but twice a year it will increase as the season changes. It requires regular brushing, at least 2-3 times a week is recommended.


The Golden Retriever Corgi mix has a water-resistant coat so should only be bathed when required; otherwise, the natural oils in their coat would be stripped through washing. Certain dog formulated shampoos have a double effect of cleaning while protecting its coat against fleas and insect bites.

Cleaning teeth, nails, and ears

Teeth need to be cleaned regularly to prevent a build-up of plaque. Chewing breaks down plaque, so use approved doggie chew-toys, bare-bones and soft toothbrushes, and toothpaste. Nails grow quickly and need to be trimmed regularly, say once a month, and its floppy ears checked for debris that could cause infection.

What’s life like for a Corgi Golden Retriever mix?


This designer dog is fun-loving. It’s intelligent and therefore likes purpose in its activities and will get bored easily and could become mischievous and bark or chew things.

This active puppy to be socialized and obedience trained so it can behave well in public places. Otherwise, it may want to herd small kids through instinct.

Positives and Negatives of ownership


  • Cute and good-mannered
  • A Loyal and affectionate companion
  • Intelligent, easy to train
  • A loving and gentle family dog
  • Child and small animal friendly
  • Not aggressive, docile with strangers
  • Hard-working
  • Self-assured
  • Eager to please its owner


  • High energy, needs lots of stimulation and purpose
  • Likes company, destructive if left alone
  • Not a good watchdog, likes strangers!
  • Bores easily, will bark and chew things
  • Needs lots of exercise and stimulation
  • A shedder, not hypoallergenic

Commonly Asked Questions:

Q. How much does a Golden Retriever Corgi Mix puppy cost?

A. Buying from a reputable hybrid dealer costs around $1000- $2000.

An alternative is to adopt from a rescue center – puppy or adult. The cost of adopting a rescue dog is much less, but if adopting do your research carefully; history, circ*mstances, etc.

Q. What other costs should you expect?

Food costs around $40-$50 per month but factor in Vets fees, accessories, and toys from retailers like Amazon.

A. A good quality dry dog food, Kibble, Vet’s fees, regular vaccinations, medications and accessories and toys, collar, leash, grooming equipment, training fees.

Golden Retriever Corgi Mix - Breed Guide & Top Facts - Animal Corner (2024)
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Name: Virgilio Hermann JD

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