1It’s an insane world, but in it there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends
The world can be an insane place to live in. However, sanity can be brought in with friends. When there is loyalty and sincerity in their bonds, they make life easier for us to deal with.
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2Only a true friend would be that truly honest
It is easier to lie than to be truthful. Only true friends would want to be honest with you. This is because they care for you and trust you enough to help you out for your good.
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3Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, but about being separated and knowing nothing will change
No matter where you are, even if you separate from your friends, you will still be together. This is because true bonds aren’t about the distance, it’s about the love for each other. If you really care for each other, you are ready to do everything to maintain the friendship.
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4Every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life
When you meet a new person and spend time with them, you begin to like them. This is when you realise that you would want to be friends with them. Friendships of these kinds are good friendships.
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5Some people are worth melting for
When you meet new people around you realise that some of them are the ones to be friends with. With them, you can be your honest self and they would accept it wholeheartedly. They are the ones who deeply love and care for you.
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6Me! Books and cleverness! There are more important things: friendship and bravery
People often value material things in life. However, friendships are much more valued because it makes us less lonely. Also, it makes us happier people and brings joy in life.
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7It’s so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk
When you are friends with someone, you know and understand them. You can communicate your feelings even with silence from this. As long as you are together in spirit, it doesn’t matter.
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8Well, maybe sometimes it’s easier to be mad at the people you trust. Because you know they’ll always love you, no matter what
You can be angry at your friends because of their actions but you still love them because of your friendship. They are the ones who’ll be there no matter what. Even in anger, you still value your friendship and hence let it go away soon.
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9I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you
Friends can’t unload your problems, but can face it with you together. As long as they are willing to support you, they are a friend. When you depend on them heavily, you burden them instead.
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10Good friends will help you until you’re unstuck
Friends will help you until you solve it completely. They will even try to solve with you alongside as well. Those who abandon midway without a good reason are selfish friends.
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11She’s my friend because we both know what it’s like to have people be jealous of us
You make friends with people because you are alike and you bond well. Your similarities are the glue to friendship. It becomes deeper with love, care and effort with due time.
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12I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, ‘I love my best friend, Evan!
Best friends can do anything for you. Even the craziest things without any shame. This is because they really love and care for you.
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13It feels bad when a friend fails … but it feels even worse when he comes first
When your friend fails, you feel bad because their sadness becomes yours. When a friend succeeds, you become jealous. However, you really care for him and don’t let it affect you negatively.
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14Magnificent Tree. It’s Been Around Since Long Ago, Back In The Time When People And Trees Used To Be Friends
When nature and humans are in harmony, they become friends. Nature gives us itself for our own survival. In return, we co-exist within it and make sure not to harm it.
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15When we can get the work done as friends … then why should we make enemies?
When we make friends, they are ready to help us out in any way possible. From this we get our work done as well. When we make friends, we bring people closer with us.
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16We didn’t even realize we were making memories, We just knew we were having fun. -Winnie The Pooh
Sometimes, the best memories of our lives are made without us even being aware of it. The times we spend with our friends are some of the best things life has to offer for us. Enjoy them while you still have the chance to.
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17They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style. -Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City the Movie
No matter what changes in life, friendships always remain. Regardless of how far apart you have been, you’ll be back to your old selves once you meet again.
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18I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack, But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. -Alan Garner, The Hangover
Sometimes, you just meet these people and you know, right then, that they’re your kind. Even if you are a loner and someone who would rather be on their own, you just enjoy their company.
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19An old friend is never an extra guest. -Devlin, Notorious
You should never forget your friends, however long it has been. Even if you haven’t seen each other for years, if you were truly friends, you won’t mind having them over and catching up on your life.
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20That’s only okay when I say it. -Janis Ian, Mean Girls
Best friends are allowed to poke a little fun at each other regardless of how offensive it is. But if it comes from someone else, it’s normal for us to stand up for them.
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21Some people are worth melting for. -Olaf, Frozen
This quote coming from a speaking snowman melted all our hearts. What more do you need when you have friends who would do anything for you? It’s these friends that are worth living for.
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22When I look at you, I can feel it, I look at you and I’m home. -Dory, Finding Nemo
Home is not a building or place but rather the people. Sometimes you just find some random people who you grow so close to that they become your home.
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23I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. -Richard Dreyfuss, Stand by Me
The friends we make in our childhood are some of the best we’ll ever have in our life simply because we’re so innocent that there wasn’t any hostility, envy or prejudice between us back then. The memories we make with them stay with us throughout our lives.
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24True friends are always together in spirit. -Anne, Anne of Green Gables
True friends never grow apart or leave you. Even if you move away from them for years, they’ll always be with you in your heart and spirit.
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25It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. -Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
It takes a lot of strength to go against your enemies. But it’s even tougher to go against your friends when they are doing something wrong. As a friend, it’s your duty to correct them if they’re doing something unacceptable.
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26When you’re the best of friends having so much fun together, You’re not even aware, you’re such a funny pair. -Copper, The Fox and The Hound
Sometimes, when you’re close to someone, you don’t realise how great you are together. When you’re together, you laugh, make fun of others, hate the same people and make so many great memories together.
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27We’re a family, we stick together. -Woody, Toy Story
Friends really are the family that we get to choose for us. If your friendship is really true you’ll always be there for them through thick and thin.
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28You and I are a team, Nothing is more important than our friendship. -Mike Wazowski, Monsters, Inc.
When you’re really good friends, nothing else should matter. No matter what comes between them, true friends always try to make it past that. The little arguments and fights are insignificant in the long run if the friendship is honest and worth it.
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29An old friend is never an extra guest. – Notorious
Friends are always for life. Some are close, others are closer. But an old friend is never a burden or someone extra no matter what the occasion is.
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30Yeah, I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her or something, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention. – Dumb and Dumber
A friend is someone with whom you can be as callous as you want. You can roast them a lot and yet be best friends with them.
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31Remember George, no man is a failure who has friends. – It’s a Wonderful Life
Life is all about meeting and greeting new people and staying with some throughout the journey. If one can make friends in life then their life is already a success.
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32Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. – The Godfather
True friends are already very close to you and they are not the ones we need to be cautious of, but our enemies and we should keep them even closer under our watch so that they cannot harm us.
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33It’s an insane world but in it, there is one sanity, the loyalty of old friends. – Ben Hur
Old friends who have passed the test of time and become more than family are the most loyal people we will get in our life.
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34A boy’s best friend is his mother. – Psycho
More than often a woman who we call mother is the person who understands us the most and she is our true best friend.
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35Only a true friend would be truly honest. – Shrek
True friends never sugarcoat their words, they tell us everything directly and truthfully. Friendship often relies on complete honesty as a foundation.
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36She’s not your friend, she’s just someone you use to feel better about yourself. – American Beauty
A friend isn’t someone whose insecurities can be used by someone to feel good about themselves. It makes you the worst kind of human possible.
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37Alone, bad friend, good. – Bride of Frankenstein
Being alone is no good. Humans always crave company and that is where friends come in because they fill up our lives and help us in the areas we’re not so good at.
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38George: It’s amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy. – My Best Friend’s Wedding
When one is jealous of friends, we think most clearly about them. All their good and bad traits become clear and we view them with a new perspective.
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39What will I do without a best friend? – Beaches
Life is hard and that is why it gives us a best friend, who in some way or the other makes our life a tad bit easier. A best friend is someone we can share our deepest insecurities with and not feel pathetic about ourselves.
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40A friend in need is a pest. – Wedding Crasher
A friend who is in need of your help is someone who will pester you the most. They do so because they consider you as someone who will help them and come at your door for support, no matter what they’re going through themselves.
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41I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. – Stand by Me
The kind of friends we have changed with age. Some come in our life only being related to our work life and some come to entertain us and often educate us. But the friends we make when we are young are the purest and stay for life.
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42Friendships are something people love all over the world because there is a certain need for them. – Wim Wenders
Life doesn’t give us friends just like that, friends are the reason we laugh even in the most perilous times. They’re the ones who complete us when we feel inadequate.
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43I found out that the secret to life is friends. Best friends. – Fried Green Tomatoes
Living a happy and fulfilled life requires just one ingredient – friends. With friends, no one can say that they are dissatisfied. With best friends, life is complete and happiness is no longer a secret.
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44It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. – Harry Potter
Standing up to enemies and fighting against them is no easy task and needs a lot of bravado and courage. What needs more courage is standing up to your friends and correcting their bad habits and misdeeds. Doing so increases the chance of the relationship falling apart, or it can make your friend a better person.
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45Let the rest of the world beat their brains out for a buck. It’s friends that count. And I got friends. – All About Eve
There are many people who spend hours counting and calculating how they can earn the most money. However, there is nothing more precious and important in life than friendship. It is friendship that matters at the end of the day, and not the bucks you made.
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46True friends are always together in spirit. – Anne Of Green Gables
It may be very difficult for long-time friends to physically be near each other. Their work and responsibilities may force them to stay apart, but their friendship will always keep their spirit close to each other.
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47The human spirit is more powerful than any drug, and that is what needs to be nourished with work, play, friendship, and family. These are the things that matter. – Awakenings
Human spirit and soul have a strong force, and that force can only be fueled with the love and longing one gets from friends and family. In life, with proper friendship, nothing else matters.
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48You are my superior officer, you are also my friend, I have been and always shall be yours. – Star Trek
In life, you meet many people and you have to work with them. These sudden encounters may lead to lasting friendships that transcend the boundaries of social status and hierarchy. They become true friends who care for each other and carry each other through thick and thin.
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49They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style. – Sex and the City the Movie
Nothing is ever-lasting, your dreams, ideas, trends, and feelings may change over time. However, the connections and friendships that you make in life do not change and they stay with you forever.
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50The language of friendship is not words but meanings.-Henry David Thoreau
With friends, speaking in eloquent words does not matter. What matters the most is what is meant by the spoken words.
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51It’s an insane world, but in it, there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends. -Ben-Hur (1959)
The world is constantly changing and the sudden changes are enough to make someone lose their will. However, having old friends to talk to and laugh with, will help them stay sane and have a healthy mind.
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52Some people are worth melting for. – Olaf
In life, there are many people to meet. You can have thousands of acquaintances in your life, but there are only a few who have a long-lasting impact on your life. Meeting such people is really lucky, and you would be ready to do anything for them.
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53Every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life. – Rhino
Friends are sure to give you a great time. In fact, talking, laughing, and discussing with friends is very special – every minute spent with them seems greater than the last.
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54When you’re the best of friends having so much fun together, you’re not even aware you’re a funny pair. – Big Mama
Spending time with one’s best friends allows them to laugh and have fun. The times spent are full of laughter and jokes, and it feels very normal.
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55I would have nothin’ if I didn’t have you – Mike and Sulley
Being with your friends is the best feeling ever. There is a constant stream of support, constructive criticism, and acknowledgment. If not for their friends, who accept them for who they are, a person’s existence would lose its meaning
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55 Iconic Quotes On Friendship From Movies
1. It’s an insane world, but in it there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends
2. Only a true friend would be that truly honest
3. Friendship isn’t about being inseparable, but about being separated and knowing nothing will change
4. Every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life
5. Some people are worth melting for
6. Me! Books and cleverness! There are more important things: friendship and bravery
7. It’s so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk
8. Well, maybe sometimes it’s easier to be mad at the people you trust. Because you know they’ll always love you, no matter what
9. I can’t carry it for you, but I can carry you
10. Good friends will help you until you’re unstuck
11. She’s my friend because we both know what it’s like to have people be jealous of us
12. I just wanna go to the rooftops and scream, ‘I love my best friend, Evan!
13. It feels bad when a friend fails … but it feels even worse when he comes first
14. Magnificent Tree. It’s Been Around Since Long Ago, Back In The Time When People And Trees Used To Be Friends
15. When we can get the work done as friends … then why should we make enemies?
16. We didn’t even realize we were making memories, We just knew we were having fun. -Winnie The Pooh
17. They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style. -Carrie Bradshaw, Sex and the City the Movie
18. I tend to think of myself as a one-man wolf pack, But when my sister brought Doug home, I knew he was one of my own. -Alan Garner, The Hangover
19. An old friend is never an extra guest. -Devlin, Notorious
20. That’s only okay when I say it. -Janis Ian, Mean Girls
21. Some people are worth melting for. -Olaf, Frozen
22. When I look at you, I can feel it, I look at you and I’m home. -Dory, Finding Nemo
23. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. -Richard Dreyfuss, Stand by Me
24. True friends are always together in spirit. -Anne, Anne of Green Gables
25. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. -Dumbledore, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone
26. When you’re the best of friends having so much fun together, You’re not even aware, you’re such a funny pair. -Copper, The Fox and The Hound
27. We’re a family, we stick together. -Woody, Toy Story
28. You and I are a team, Nothing is more important than our friendship. -Mike Wazowski, Monsters, Inc.
29. An old friend is never an extra guest. – Notorious
30. Yeah, I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her or something, I don’t know, I wasn’t really paying attention. – Dumb and Dumber
31. Remember George, no man is a failure who has friends. – It’s a Wonderful Life
32. Keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. – The Godfather
33. It’s an insane world but in it, there is one sanity, the loyalty of old friends. – Ben Hur
34. A boy’s best friend is his mother. – Psycho
35. Only a true friend would be truly honest. – Shrek
36. She’s not your friend, she’s just someone you use to feel better about yourself. – American Beauty
37. Alone, bad friend, good. – Bride of Frankenstein
38. George: It’s amazing the clarity that comes with psychotic jealousy. – My Best Friend’s Wedding
39. What will I do without a best friend? – Beaches
40. A friend in need is a pest. – Wedding Crasher
41. I never had any friends later on like the ones I had when I was twelve. – Stand by Me
42. Friendships are something people love all over the world because there is a certain need for them. – Wim Wenders
43. I found out that the secret to life is friends. Best friends. – Fried Green Tomatoes
44. It takes a great deal of courage to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends. – Harry Potter
45. Let the rest of the world beat their brains out for a buck. It’s friends that count. And I got friends. – All About Eve
46. True friends are always together in spirit. – Anne Of Green Gables
47. The human spirit is more powerful than any drug, and that is what needs to be nourished with work, play, friendship, and family. These are the things that matter. – Awakenings
48. You are my superior officer, you are also my friend, I have been and always shall be yours. – Star Trek
49. They say nothing lasts forever; dreams change, trends come and go, but friendships never go out of style. – Sex and the City the Movie
50. The language of friendship is not words but meanings.-Henry David Thoreau
51. It’s an insane world, but in it, there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends. -Ben-Hur (1959)
52. Some people are worth melting for. – Olaf
53. Every minute spent in your company becomes the new greatest minute of my life. – Rhino
54. When you’re the best of friends having so much fun together, you’re not even aware you’re a funny pair. – Big Mama
55. I would have nothin’ if I didn’t have you – Mike and Sulley
- TagsBest Friends, BFF, Films, friends, Friendship, Friendship Day, friendship quotes from movies, Hollywood, Life, movies, Toy Story
MC Sid
Meet our Founder - Siddharth Sood, aka ‘MC SID’ is an entrepreneur selling official licensed Fan merchandise by day and a Wedding Rapper by night. Sharing his opinions on pop culture is his true passion. Also its worth mentioning Batman and him have not been seen in the same room at the same time ever, just saying.
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